"Asian Americans Advancing Justice provides Bystander Intervention Training, Legal Aid and more..." image

"Asian Americans Advancing Justice provides Bystander Intervention Training, Legal Aid and more..."

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Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Los Angeles has been hard at work reaching our community members and allies in the quest to combat hate. Our programs reach nationally, especially our bystander intervention training, which has an international reach. Advancing Justice’s legal and victim referral support as well as policy and advocacy efforts increase resources to families subject to discrimination and hate incidents.

Below are a few examples of impact for varying levels of contributions:

  • $50 covers cost of printing 200 translated flyers informing our community about our free victim services and legal support
  • $100 covers legal consultation fees for a low-income client who is a victim of an anti-Asian hate incident
  • $250 social media boost could reach 6,000 more people (equivalent to the population of two high schools)
  • $500 sponsors Anti-Asian Hate Bystander Intervention training for over 100 community member